Bookshop: Towns/Districts
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| Built by Seabrook, Hobart Buildings Constructed by the Seabrook Family from the 1830s, by Malcolm Ward, 2006,
A4, soft cover, indexed. Built by Seabrook is the story of one family's contribution to Hobart's building heritage over a period of more than 100 years. It also tells of the people and personalities who commissioned and oversaw the construction of the buildings in question and the history of the land. Price: AUD $35.00 + P&P $7.50 within Australia Please email us for overseas postage rates Print order form |
| Education at Ross - A History, by Wendy Burbury, 1977,
A5, soft cover, not indexed. This informative booklet covers: a history of education in Tasmania, beginnings of schools at Ross, Ellinthorp Hall, Horton College, the Mona Vale School, Auburn School, other schools, the present school centenary 1977, school buses, past Headmasters and teachers. Price: AUD $10.00 + P&P $3.00 within Australia Please email us for overseas postage rates Print order form |
| Historical Homes and Inns in Nineteenth Century Tasmania, by Irene Schaffer, 2006,
A4, soft cover, Covers Montrose, Rosetta, Berriedale, Chigwell and Claremont. Maps, colour photographs and information about the old buildings. Price: AUD $25.00 + P&P $4.50 within Australia Please email us for overseas postage rates Print order form |
| It Is Written, Remember Your Grassroots, Vol 2, compiled by The Westbury Historical Society, 1999,
A4, soft cover, not indexed. Traces the development of the Municipality and families and lives of the Wardens of the Westbury Council using many sources including newspaper accounts of the times. Price: AUD $12.50 + P&P $11.30 within Australia Please email us for overseas postage rates Print order form |
| Longford - Evandale Excursion, by Irene Schaffer, 1992,
A4, soft cover, not indexed. This book in the Excursion series includes chapters on the following: Longford, The Path of History, Wooden Bridge Longford, Longford Township, Land Grants Norfolk Plains, James Jordan, Thomas Jordan, Piermount Chapel, Jordan Bridge, Saltmarsh Farm, Christ Church, Floods in Longford 1929, Bowthorpe, Jessiefield, Shipping list for "Lady Nelson & "Minstrel" 1813, Racecourse Hotel, Map of Longford District, Brickendon, Woolmers, Evandale, Map of Evandale District, Evandale Tourism & Historical Centre, Kennedy Murray, Police Office, John Ward Gleadow, Clarendon and Strathmore. Many black and white photographs included. Price: AUD $15.00 + P&P $4.50 within Australia Please email us for overseas postage rates Print order form |
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